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Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
12/31/2006  9:15:00 AM
I should add though that a lot of what is choking up the board is the repetition. Which is not really argument at all, but a response to failures of observation.

The whole debate about picture two of the forward walk for example, long ago ceased to be a debate about how it should be done, and became simply an exercise in pointing out what a picture shows. Regardless if one believes that is or isn't how it should be done (a legitimate disagreement), it's pretty hard to deny that the configuration of the body and standing leg shown in the picture is POSSIBLE - yet denying that possibility is exactly what someone keeps doing.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Juice23
12/31/2006  11:50:00 AM
When did I say that the issues weren't serious? I just pointed out that it bothers those in the discussion more how something is phrased than what is meant or what is actually being said. Maybe reading things more carefully and not assuming things would be a step in the right direction.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Juice23
12/31/2006  11:54:00 AM
Yes, there are some real disagreements, but there are often times when one person says something in relation to the leg, while somebody else gives it in relation to the knee or whatever silly thing like that that causes an arguement. Often, people come to the boards with questions, and the thread is hijacked by silly arguements. Notice I said arguements, not necessarily disagreements.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
12/31/2006  12:08:00 PM
"Yes, there are some real disagreements, but there are often times when one person says something in relation to the leg, while somebody else gives it in relation to the knee or whatever silly thing like that that causes an arguement."

No - that disagreement is quite real, and not about terminology at all. There's a whole realm of body movement that Don still hasn't realized is possible, despite being shown a picture of it.

"Often, people come to the boards with questions, and the thread is hijacked by silly arguements. Notice I said arguements, not necessarily disagreements."

Arguments usually founded in disagreements. A question is asked, and answered, but someone else finds what they consider a serious flaw in that answer. Part of the problem then is that the board doesn't make it real easy to see more than the most recent post in a long thread.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Juice23
12/31/2006  12:53:00 PM
Ever think that maybe you're the one who's being closed minded or could perhaps even be wrong? It takes two to have a "disagreement". And whatever happened to live and let live? I'm going to follow my own advice and leave this thread.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
12/31/2006  1:40:00 PM
"Ever think that maybe you're the one who's being closed minded or could perhaps even be wrong? It takes two to have a "disagreement". And whatever happened to live and let live? I'm going to follow my own advice and leave this thread. "

Yes, there are disagreements.

But there is also a simple denial of reality going on - specifically, the reality of particular body position which a picture demonstrates how to do. Don keeps insisting that this is impossible - that one cannot put the body ahead of the standing foot without leaning forwards - wheras the picture shows how someone who wanted to do it would go about doing it without leaning forward. Denying that is being closed minded.

Wheras arguing about if that is or isn't a good way to do things is merely a disagreement.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by chez1
12/31/2006  1:46:00 PM
Um, Anon, no one cares.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by operabob
12/31/2006  2:22:00 PM
Hey Jonathon,

How 'bout adding an "Ignore Poster" button.

We have it on other websites.

Cheers and Happy New Year everyone (even Anon!).

Re: How Horrendous
Posted by phil.samways
1/1/2007  10:06:00 AM
What i find quite annoying is that there is often serious digression from the original topic. so a question on footwork for a reverse turn will evolve into arguments about the hold after about a dozen posts. To be fair, it is difficult to write a precise verbal description of something which is essentially visual.
I think jonathan is doing us all a service with his solution.
It's fairly safe to say that once the postings get about 30 or so, the thread has lost its usefulness. So we can either stick with it or restart the topic, depending on whether we're looking for entertainment or dancing information
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
1/1/2007  10:58:00 AM
"it is difficult to write a precise verbal description of something which is essentially visual."

For a long time, I though that was the problem. And perhaps it is for the general audience.

Unfortunately, one of the things the past few months have shown is that even looking at the same picture, one with no costumes or even partner to get in the way, is not enough to establish agreement over what simple physical facts (regardless if they good habits or bad) are actually present in the picture.

"It's fairly safe to say that once the postings get about 30 or so, the thread has lost its usefulness. So we can either stick with it or restart the topic, depending on whether we're looking for entertainment or dancing information"

Unfortunately true. While there are disagreements over basic reality, conversations are going to expand a lot. And unfortunately some aspects of the forum layout, like the indenting, make it hard to view a thread more than one post at a time.

In terms of dancing information, unfortunately there really are very few sources in this world where you can find the straight dope unencombered by distractions, mistakes, or - in this case - arguments. You can certainly go somewhere and pay for answers, but that's no guarantee of their quality. You have to either pick a teacher to trust, or learn to follow the arguments to the point where you can figure out which answers are plausible and which aren't.

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